We Connect with Jacinda Scott

January 26th was Bell "Let's Talk" day and we can all agree more conversations need to happen now more than ever. Our guest Jacinda Scott is a private practice Counsellor as well as a Mental Health & Trauma-Informed Educator through her business - Mindful Matters.
Jacinda truly believes that all people have the answers within themselves to heal. We already have intrinsic tools to help ourselves. We have our own unique body and mind wisdom that we carry throughout our lives based on our experiences, our relationships, and our family history.
Jacinda believes that her job as a Counsellor and Educator is to help guide each individual back to feeling connected with their inner knowing, to come back to feeling safe within their bodies and minds, and to feel a sense of curiosity and confidence in stepping out and connecting with others.
This was a great conversation to be a part of as most of us are isolated and need tools to self care. It was a great talk! Check it out below!